Thursday, July 1, 2010

What's new on my bookshelf

Good morning people!!! :)

I bought two books last evening. One of them, I've decided to carry with me at all times.

"The complete cook's encyclopedia of spices" by Sallie Morris & Lesley Mackley.  

I was in the book shop trying to decide if I should buy a book about herb gardening which was really costly, when my eye caught this gem. It wasn't all that heavy on the purse & is full of delightful pictures.
I love spices & herbs. Who doesn't right? For many of the dishes I make, I use liberal quantities of garlic (being my all-time favourite spice) and coriander leaves (favourite herb). But I hate to admit that some of the herbs & spices I come across any certain recipes I have no idea of or even if we can find them in Sri Lanka.

This book I believe will be immense help to solve this problem for me. This book not only contains all the necessary information about spices, how to prepare them and  how to store them it also carries a variety of delectable recipes and ways to make spice mixtures to liven our food.


Next obstacle? Finding the Sinhalese names for some of the spices.

BookBaker out. Have a spicy day people!